

06.02.2024 – Sunday Announcements

  1. Our Coworkers Council Meeting will be held this Saturday (6/8) @8:30 am.
  2. 【ECBC 30th Anniversary Celebration Series】Cantonese Fellowship Introduction
  3. Children Sunday school needs brothers and sisters to help teaching or assisting classes this summer. Please contact sisters Holly, Yaoli or Vickie if you can help.
  4. The YSMP team needs to raise $5,000 for the mission trip to Arizona. If you’d like to support them financially, please write a check to ECBC and memo YSMP. They will have some fundraising activities starting next week. Thank you for your support!
  5. Download (PDF, 352KB)


05.05.2024 – Sunday Announcements

  1. Praise the lord! Our Annie Armstrong Easter and North American Missions Offering received $5,278, exceeding our goal.
  2. 【ECBC 30th Anniversary Celebration Series】 Joy I Fellowship Introduction
  3. The Coworkers Meeting for May will be held this Saturday (5/11) at 8:30 am.
  4. Next Sunday (5/12) will be Mother’s Day worship service with baptism. A monthly luncheon will be served as well.
  5. Children Sunday school needs brothers and sisters to help teaching or assisting classes this summer. Please contact sisters Holly, Yaoli or Vickie if you can help.
  6. Youth Summer Mission Project (7/5-13) applications are due today. Please submit your completed applications to Sister Yaoli by noon.