1. Please stay to enjoy our monthly luncheon after Sunday school today.
  2. Based on Pastor Tan’s suggestion and discussions in January’s Coworkers Council Meeting, the Personnel proposed to adjust Pastor Chien-Wen Chou’s duty from serving 25 hours per week to a full-time assistant pastor starting from February 1, 2024. The proposal will be presented to a congregational vote next Sunday (1/28). There is a Q&A session today 1:00 -1:30 p.m. in Room 101.
  3. ECBC 30th Anniversary Logo Design Competition: Theme: Pressing Forward; Deadline Extended to Jan 27th, 2024. Submit your entry to 30years@ecbckc.org.
  4. The giving statement for 2023 has been emailed out to everyone. Please contact our treasurer Andrew Chan if you haven’t received yours.
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