1. Pastor Tan’s Sabbatical application was approved at the January Coworkers Council Meeting yesterday. It will be from April 1 to September 30.
  2. Based on Pastor Tan’s suggestion and discussions in the Coworkers Council Meeting, the Personnel proposed to adjust Pastor Chien-Wen’s duty from serving 25 hours per week to a full-time assistant pastor starting from February 1, 2024. The proposal will be presented to a congregational vote in two weeks (1/28). And a Q&A session will be held in Room 101 at 1:00 p.m. next Sunday.1/21.
  3. ECBC 30th Anniversary Logo Design Competition: Due Date: Jan 21st, 2024, Noon. Submit to: 30years@ecbckc.org; Winner Prize: $50; Please include your name in the email upon submission. Theme: “Pressing Forward 勇往直前” Philippians 3:13-14.  
  4. Due to the inclement weather, our January luncheon will be postponed to next Sunday (1/21).
  5. Our Sagrada Bible Camp yard cleaning was planned on 1/20 but needs to be rescheduled. Brother David Cage will keep the signers updated.
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