My name is Nathan Zhao, and I am a 7th grader at the Pembroke Hill School. I was born in Kansas City Missouri and have lived in Kansas my whole life. 

For as long as I can remember, I have been going to church with my family. My mother has always taught me to pray, told me stories from the bible, and put me in vacation bible schools. My mom told me that when I was about 2 years old, one day at daycare in church, I cried so hard telling people that Jesus died to save me. My mother says I was touched by the holy spirit at a very young age. I was a surprise to my parents and my mom always tells me that I am a constant reminder of God’s grace for her. My name even supposedly means “Gift of God” in Hebrew, as a representation of God’s grace.  

I grew up with Christian beliefs and values. I’ve always believed that God sending his only son to die for us was an act of his great grace. Because of his death, my sin is forgiven, I am saved and can have a new life. My family often talks about current events and I’ve realized that many people have gone astray from the ideas taught in the Bible. I want to help show these people God, as I’ve seen how people’s lives can be changed when they hear His word, and I want to share it to as many people as I can. 

I know that I have not always put my time into serving God. I am willing to commit to living for God and to serve him to the best of my ability.

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