12/8/24 | Christmas Combined Worship | TBD | TBD
11/24/24 | Guest Speakers | TBD | Jeff "Wally" and Rose Waligora
11/10/24 | Have a heart of Jesus | Philippians 2:5-11 | Jonathon Lee
11.17.24 | The Life with Fruitful Work | Philippians 2:12-18 | Pastor Steve Tan
11/03/2024 Live Worthy of the Gospel of Christ | Philippians 1:27-2:4 | Pastor Steve Tan
10/27/2024 Joy Walk | Philippians 1:18-26 | Minister Mike Cheung
Private video
10/20/2024 Unwavering Determination in Serving | Philippians 1:12-17 | Pastor Steve Tan
Private video
10/06/2024 The Church Partnered With Paul | Philippians 1:1-11 | Pastor Steve Tan
09/29/24 | Joseph: Faith and Forgiveness | Genesis 50:19-21 | Brother Dylan Yelton
09/22/24 Two Shoes (Church Leaders) | Acts 7:20-25, 30-33 | Deacon Jon Lee
Worship and SermonsChristine Lang2021-01-02T17:37:10-06:00