03/16/2025 | TBD | TBD | TBD
03/09/2025 | Building Your True Identity in Christ | Genesis 11:1-9 | Brother Mike Cheung
03/02/25 | The Noahic Covenant | Genesis 9:1 – 9:17 | Pastor Steve Tan
02/23/2025 | Noah and Flood| Genesis 6 | Ross Hand
2/16/25 | A Wicked World | Genesis 6:5-8 | David Cage
02/09/2025 Cain and Abel | TBD | Pastor Steve Tan
2/16/2025 主日信息 : 审判的预警 | 经文:创世记 6:1-10 | 证道:徐肇基牧师
02/02/2025 The Creation | Genesis 1:1-2:4a | Brother Jon Lee
01/26/2025 | The Fall and the Promise | Genesis 3:1-24 | Pastor Steve Tan
01/19/2025 The Perfect Couple | Genesis 2:15-25 | Pastor Steve Tan
01/12/2025 | The Image of God | Genesis 1:26-31 | Pastor Steve Tan
12/29/24 | One Thing I Do | Philippians 3:12-21 | Pastor Steve Tan
Worship and SermonsChristine Lang2021-01-02T17:37:10-06:00