01.26.2025 – Sunday Announcements
- Thank and praise the Lord! Our 6 Missions College trainees have returned from Richmond VA safely and fruitfully!
- Please stay to attend our 1st 2025 monthly prayer meeting today from 12:30-1:00 PM.
- 2/2, Chinese Lunar New Year Luncheon. The Lord’s Supper for February will be on the 2nd Sunday (2/9).
- Bible Camp 2/16 3:00pm @ECBC
- Bible verses and tool kits are here
- Sign up QR code
01.19.2025 – Sunday Announcements
- A special prayer meeting will be held today at 3:00 pm in Room 101 with a special sharing. Everyone is welcome to attend.
- Chinese Lunar New Year Luncheon is on Feburary 2nd.
- February Lord’s Supper will be on the 2nd Sunday (2/9).
- Verses: picked by Pastor Chou, about one verse each book(OT 30, NT40)
- Format: unchanged (Fellowship&Individual)
- Rules: unchanged. Fellowship: <65, up to 3 errors; 65 plus, up to 5. Individual: Top 3, no errors
- Fellowships measure Quality and Quantity
01.12.2025 – Sunday Announcements
- February’s Luncheon and the Chinese Lunar New Year celebration will be held on the 1st Sunday (2/2). The Lord’s Supper is on the second Sunday (2/9).
- Ross Hand started to be a part-time pastor assistant in January 2025.
- ECBC Library Is Now Open. It serves ECBC members only. A church member must accompany non-members to use the library.
- Open hours – Library Coworkers on duty: Sunday 10:30 – 11 am and 12:30 – 1 pm
- Open hours – Self Service: Anytime when the church is open. Please ask Dragan Tan or Eric Li to open the library door for you.
- Please let Andrew Chan know if you want to serve in the library.
Sunday Worship Service Cancelled – January 5, 2025
The ECBC 1/5 onsite worship service is canceled due to inclement weather and bad road conditions. The Lord’s supper will be postponed to next Sunday, 1/12 when our monthly luncheon will be served as planned.
12.29.2024 – Sunday Announcements
- 【Lottie Moon International Missions Offering】We are still collecting this special offering until the end of December to support the IMB missionaries worldwide. Our church’s goal is $12,000. YTD, $10,590 has been received. May God touch everyone’s heart to give generously so that we can achieve our goal. Please write your check to ECBC and memo Lottie Moon. For cash offerings, you may use the special envelopes.
- Please stay to attend our last monthly prayer meeting for this year from 12:30-1:00 pm today.
- Missions College: Thanks to the Lord! Six brothers and sisters registered for the hands-on training by missionaries from 1/22-1/25/2025 in Richmond, VA.
- Bible Verses Memorization Challenge: verses incl.: 30 (Old Testament), 40 (New Testament)
- Introduction: 1/12
- Bible Camp: Early February (Old Testament), Early May (New Testament)
- Methods: Self, competition in Fellowship groups, public competition in Church
- Time Frame:
- 4/13-Fellowship warm-up (Old Testament)
- 8/10-Fellowship warm-up (New Testament)
- 11/2-Fellowship warm-up (Old & New Testament)
- 11/9-Individual competition in Church (Old & New Testament)
- The above is preliminary and comments are welcome. All updates and associated details will be distributed once available.
12.22.2024 – Sunday Announcements
- 【Lottie Moon International Missions Offering】We will collect this special offering in the whole month of December to support the IMB missionaries all over the world. Our church’s goal is $12,000. May God touch everyone’s heart to give generously so that we can achieve our goal. Please write your check to ECBC and memo Lottie Moon. For cash offering, you may use the special envelopes.
- Thanks to the Lord! Last Sunday, our 2025 Budget congregational vote was passed unanimously!
- Missions College(1/22-25/2025)Hands-on training by experienced missionaries at IMB headquarters in Richmond, VA. If you’re willing to go, please contact: Eric Li.
- Christmas Eve Candlelight Worship & Baptism: 12/24 @7:00pm.
- 2025 Church Calendar: please take one per family at the front office if you haven’t.