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12.01.2024 – Sunday Announcements
- Lottie Moon International Missions Offering: We will collect this special offering in the whole month of December to support the IMB missionaries all over the world. Our church’s goal is $12,000. May God touch everyone’s heart to give generously so that we can achieve our goal. Please write your check to ECBC and memo Lottie Moon. For cash offering, you may use the special envelopes.
- The 2025 budget has been posted on the bulletin boards. There will be a Q&A session on 12/8 at 1:00 p.m. in Room 101. We’ll present it for a congregational vote on 12/15.
- Combined Christmas Music Worship 12/8 @11:00 am in the Gym, followed by a monthly luncheon. All are invited to come with families and friends.
- Any Fellowship would like to help sept up a Christmas Tree? Please contact Brother Jason Zhang.
- December Coworkers Meeting will be held this coming Saturday 12/14 @8:30 am in Rm 103.
- 2025 Church Calendar: please take one per family at the front office.
Sheen Xiao2024-12-16T11:32:36-06:00